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My pattern of the IRIS is available to purchase in my ETSY shop. Here is a link to the pattern: https://www.etsy.com/listing/596500270/gelli-plate-pattern-template-to-make-a?ref=shop_home_active_1 I use tiny torn pieces of gelli prints and pattern paper, along with my PURPLE IRIS pattern to make collage art. Here is a video on the process and how I create my paper pieced art creations.
What I do with my Gelli Print scraps.  Gelli print torn paper paintings and collage collage.What I do with my Gelli Print scraps.  Gelli print torn paper paintings and collage collage.What I do with my Gelli Print scraps.  Gelli print torn paper paintings and collage collage.What I do with my Gelli Print scraps.  Gelli print torn paper paintings and collage collage.
What I do with my Gelli Print scraps.  Gelli print torn paper paintings and collage collage.