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局内掃除のおばちゃん 局内掃除の仕事を終え一段落した二人のおばさん。話題は掃除の合い間に見た芸能人で大盛り上がりしてゆく...。 キャスト:わたさわみちよ/さとうとよこ Cleaning Lady Chitter Chatter Two cleaning ladies just finished their job for the day. The two become excited as the topic of their conversation changes to the movie stars they saw on the job. Voice: Michiyo Watasawa / Toyoko Sato from
局内掃除のおばちゃん Peeping Life Library #16局内掃除のおばちゃん Peeping Life Library #16局内掃除のおばちゃん Peeping Life Library #16局内掃除のおばちゃん Peeping Life Library #16
局内掃除のおばちゃん Peeping Life Library #16